Latest Pinterest Updates – May 2023 edition

by | May 15, 2023

Pinterest doesn’t make updates to the platform often but when they do they go big! I am super excited by the latest updates Pinterest released in May 2023. 

Pinterest wants to make using its platform as simple as possible so that people can get the most out of using Pinterest and also keep coming back to it again and again from both a creator and consumer point of view. 

Pinterest’s latest updates truly show they are passionate about this mission. Let’s dive into the 4 main updates and how you can use them for your business. 

1. Create a pin

Pinterest wants to make creating pins as easy and simple as possible so are changing from separate pins and idea pins and combining these under one single ‘create a pin’ option. Under this new ‘create a pin’, you will be able to upload pins in a range of sizes but have access to the same video editing features, music options, text overlay and stickers that were previously only available for certain pin formats. This makes it easier to create the type of pins that work best for promoting your business. 

Pinterest still has certain sizes it recommends for its pins so it will be interesting to see how the size that you create a pins will affect its performance. 

Pinterest recommends standard pins are 2:3 ratio which is 1000 px by 1500 px and video pins are 9:16 ratio which is 1080 px by 1920 px 

2. Links on all Pins

Following on from update 1 where all pins are being combined under one create option. This means that all pins can now have links! This is huge as up until this update you haven’t been able to add links to idea pins as you create them. (Idea pins are short-form videos similar to reels on Instagram or Tik Tok videos)

By adding links to idea pins you will now be able to see which pin format performs best for your account and then create more of what’s working for you and less of what’s not. 

In the past Idea pins tended to have more reach than standard pins and would only direct people to your pinterest account, with the addition of links it will be interesting to see if this update evens out the reach of if idea pins will still provide the most reach.

3. Edit pins after publishing

Pinning on Pinterest is a great evergreen marketing option for your businesses as pins last forever. The downside to this in the past has been that older pins may have had old links attached to them that no longer work and therefore not able to drive traffic for your business. 

But this is now all changed, with these updates Pinterest is giving its creators the ability to edit your pins after publishing them, which is huge. This means that if any of the links you have used in the past change or you want to direct the traffic somewhere else you can simply go into the pin and change the link. 

It’s not just the links you can change, the title and description can be changed too, but if the pin is performing well for you, you are less likely to want to change these details than you are the link. 

As with all updates time will tell if editing a pin after it’s published will affect the reach, engagement and outbound links it has. So before you change lots of your old pins I would change a couple and check your analytics and see if editing it has had an effect.

4. Schedule up to a month’s worth of pins

Pinterest has always had a great inbuilt scheduler that allowed you to pin up to 2 weeks in advance. 

With this new update, you can now pin up to 30 days in advance. This now means you really can pin a month’s worth of pins in just a few hours a month and then not worry about pinning again till the following month. 

Just another way Pinterest is putting the people and businesses who use the platform first and making using Pinterest simple and easy. 

Unlike other social media platforms, Pinterest wants you to spend less time creating content and more time exploring the platform, being inspired by the content and saving what will help you in the future. 

I’m super excited by these latest Pinterest updates that will be rolling out across the platform over the upcoming weeks. Which update do you think will benefit your business the most? Create a pin as a single upload option, add links to all pins, edit pins after publishing or schedule 30 days of pins using the inbuilt scheduler. 

If the sound of these updates has inspired you to get your business on Pinterest my Free 30 minute Pinterest Workshop is the perfect introduction.

Have a great day 

Nicola – New Wisdom Design and Digital

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