What is a Tech VA?

by | Apr 3, 2023

What is a Tech VA in a circle with graphics of different services around the outside including Pinterest, Instagram, Email marketing.

Do you feel like there’s just not enough time in the day to keep up with social media, email marketing, website maintenance, and all the other technical tasks that come with running a business online?

Do you know the steps you need to take to grow your business online but are overwhelmed with learning all the tech?

If either of these sounds like you and where your business is right now then a tech VA could just be the assistant you are looking for. 

A tech VA is a virtual assistant who specialises in helping you with the technical setup and can assist you remotely to automate and uplevel your business. They can save you time and stress by setting the tech up in the background so you can concentrate on being in the foreground of your business. 

One of the biggest advantages of working with a Tech VA is that they can be hired for individual tasks or projects, meaning you only pay for the services you need, when you need them. This makes a tech VA an affordable option for small business owners who need help but can’t afford to hire someone on a monthly basis.

What tasks can a tech VA do?

Here are a few of the ways that a Tech VA can help you with your business:

Professional email address

A professional email address is an email address with your domain name (e.g. @yourbusinessname.com). Using a professional email address rather than one that is @gamil or @hotmail helps your business stand out from the crowd and look professional to your customers. A tech VA could help you get your domain name connected to your emails, as it usually involves adding sections of code to your DNS records, confused, don’t worry that’s what a tech VA is for to understand these terms so you don’t have to.  

Get started with email marketing

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach your audience, and it can get up to 4x better results than social media. A Tech VA can help you with everything from initial set-up and creating your first sign-up form to creating automated email campaigns. Email marketing is an essential part of running a business online, you don’t own your social media pages whereas an email list is yours to keep and market to as you wish.

Social media shop connection

If you run a product business you can create “shops” on various social media platforms. (I have another blog post that covers this in more detail “The 4 places you can set up and online shop for free”) The tech involved in setting up these shops can be confusing and often tedious and time-consuming to configure your products correctly. A tech VA could do this for you, meaning you could then tag your products in your posts and display a shop on your profile so potential customers can browse your products without leaving social media. Even better once the connection between your website and the social media platforms has been made any new products or changes to make on your website will automatically appear in your social media shop. 

Create an effective social media strategy

Social media is an essential part of running a business in 2023, but if you’re not sure what to post on your pages or you are creating posts last minute just to put something out then you need an effective social media strategy. A tech VA can create a social media strategy that will give you a plan for your posts so you can keep your accounts up to date. This will not only help the algorithms on each platform get your posts to a wider audience it will also help any existing followers know the latest happening in your business which will grow that all-important know, like and trust factor.

Website maintenance and updates

Your website is the digital home of your business, so it needs to be kept up-to-date and secure. A Tech VA can help you with everything from updating plugins to making changes to your content and uploading blog posts. Keeping your website up to date will not only protect it from hackers but regularly adding content to your website will help with the ranking of your website in Google.

Landing page design

A Landing page is a single webpage that you would typically send potential customers to, and sign up to your email list by downloading a freebie or signing up for a workshop, course or membership. It doesn’t have a menu like a normal website and is connected with your email marketing, payment gateway, calendar, membership site and any other associated tech. A tech VA would help design your landing page and get everything connected so that the journey from the landing page to the end result would happen automatically with no involvement from you.

Does your business need a Tech VA?

Hopefully, by now you know what is a Tech VA, and have discovered they can be an invaluable resource for anyone who runs their own business. By handling all of the tech tasks associated with running an online business, a Tech VA can help you save time and effort, while also helping you grow your business. 

If you’re interested in finding out more about my tech VA services and how they could help you and your business shine I offer a free 15-minute discovery call. Click on the button below and book your session today, let me help you achieve your business dreams.

Have a great day 

Nicola – New Wisdom Design and Digital

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