Tech VA Services

Take away the tech overwhelm and save you and your business time.

Let me show you how to set up the vital areas of tech that can automate and streamline your business to save you time and help grow your business.

Photo of Nicola Walsh of New Wisdom Design and Digital
Pinterest strategy workbook from new wisdom design and digital

A helping hand for setting up your tech

Does the thought of learning new tech or setting up the tech you need to run a successful business online overwhelm you?

Then take a look at my Tech VA services, I can either set up the tech for you or we can do it together with a recording for you to refer to again if you need it.

I only recommend programs and apps that I have used within my own business.

The areas of tech I specialise in…

I only recommend programs and apps I have used in my business.

Google Workspace

  • Professional Gmail email address set up and connection
  • Google Drive organisation and tutorials
  • Google Docs, Sheets and Forms training


  • Account set-up and domain verification
  • Sign-up form creation, website embedding and audience management
  • Email automation and regular newsletter design

WordPress Websites

  • All designs use the Divi theme
  • Landing page design and Mailerlite integration
  • Starter website design and blog page templates


  • Canva training and tutorials
  • Social media and website image templates and brand kits
  • Lead magnet design – checklists, guides etc

Social Media

  • Facebook and Instagram shop connectivity
  • Instagram audits and strategies
  • Best practice size guides and templates

Diary management

  • Google Calendar set up and syncing
  • Calendly and Add Event connectivity
  • Zoom meeting set up recording management

Payment Processing

  • Stripe connectivity and integratuon
  • Business PayPal account set up
  • Thrivecart checkout design and connection

Graphic Design

  • Adobe Creative Suite – PhotoShop, Illustrator and InDesign
  • Printed marketing design
  • Photo editing and cutouts

How we can work together…

If you want to learn how to use these tools yourself my done-with-you Tech VA sessions can do just that, all sessions are recorded and can be watched again when you need a refresher.


Tech Power Hour

Perfect for one off tech services

Get that piece of tech set up you have been putting off

Ideal for initial account set up, audits and templates


3x hourly sessions

Automate and save time in your business

Take your business to the next level with 3 recorded training sessions

Perfect for email automation setup to deliver your lead magnet


6x hourly sessions

Get the tech you need to grow your business

Combine and integrate the different tech to run your online business.

Automate areas of your business to keep working even if you are’t

Tech VA Done-For-You Packages

£35 Per Hour (minimum 4 hours commitment)

Don’t have the time to learn the tech yourself then let me take away the worry and get it set it up and managed for you.

My done-for-you services can be booked in 4, 8 or 12-hour blocks or I offer ongoing monthly management to keep your business updated and running smoothly. 

Every business and its website is unique so my WordPress website design is quoted on request. Book a free Discovery Call to find out more.

woman holding a phone, welcome to Pinterest is on the phone screen. image of a lock and key in top right corner

Download these FREE guides to help grow your business online

5 Step Guide to Setting up your Instagram Shop

10 Must-Haves for Online Marketing Success

Kind words about my tech VA services…

Nicola has been an absolute godsend and helped me create a professional email signature and set up Mailerlite. As well as being highly skilled in all things tech, she explains everything with clarity and patience. I would have no hesitation in calling on her expertise in future. Thanks so much for all your help!

Fiona Sinclair

Copywriter, Fiona Sinclair Writer

As a stained glass artist running a small business struggling to reach out to potential clients to show them what I had to offer, I’m so glad I reached out to Nicola who helped me understand how to set up my mailing list and link this to my website. She is patient and very knowledgable and I would definitely recommend contacting her if you need help with technical aspects and advice around the often confusing area of social media and connecting with potential customers.

Linda Sheldon

Stained Glass Artist, LindaS Art Glass