Unlock the Power of Pinterest for your Business.
FREE 30-Minute Workshop

Pinterest could be the perfect platform for you to market your business. Find out how to

  • Save Time
  • Reduce social media overwhelm
  • An easy way to buy your products or services
  • Drive Traffic to your website, blog and more

Are you ready to up your Marketing Game?
Pinterest is the Secret Weapon you can’t afford to ignore

Pinterest is a powerful search engine with over 400 million users worldwide!

Did you know?

  • Content on Pinterest never expires, so you’ll keep reaching new people
  • Pinterest Pins show on Google search, = more website hits for your business = more sales
  • Shoppers on Pinterest spend 2x more per month than people on other platforms
  • You’ve probably used Pinterest to spark inspiration in your business, what about using it to attract clients?

Introduction to Pinterest

FREE 30-minute Workshop by a Pinterest Specialist

Discover my top tips, tricks and secrets to leveraging your business with Pinterest.

Exclusive Pinterest Workshop Content

What is Pinterest and why you need it

Setting up your Pinterest Business Account

How to design the perfect Pin and creating templates

How to use your existing content on Pinterest

Gain the confidence and skills to grow your business

A roadmap to drive more traffic to your website, blog or podcast

You’ve probably used Pinterest to spark inspiration in your business but what about using it to attract clients?

What others have said about the Workshop

Pinterest workshop with new wisdom design and digital, it was brilliant! It made me look at Pinterest in a different way, I never thought of it as a tool to promote my business I’ve always only ever used it for client secret style boards but it does so much more!

Charlotte Broom

Charlotte Loves Style, Personal Stylist

I was a little overwhelmed with Pinterest for business but I got practical support from Nicola to stop the overwhelm and think logically about how to progress and offer a solution.

Morin George-Douglas

Fair trade natural products, Tamayo

Nicola Walsh of New Wisdom Design and Digital, Pinterest Specialist and Tech VA

Hi, I’m Nicola …


My 17 years of working experience as a Graphic Designer have given me a demon digital eye for detail. I combine this with my creative flair to empower other businesswomen to stand out in the digital landscape. Using the power of Pinterest I collaborate with you to turn your vision into captivating visuals that leave a lasting impression

Why Pinterest? As a busy mum to 2 energetic boys, making time to market my business is a challenge. That is why I need a platform that can do the heavy lifting for me. 

Pinterest is the answer! Now I can drive traffic to my website, blog posts and sales pages without having to spend hours a day tied to social media. 

To boost your business marketing muscle, sign up today for my Free Pinterest Workshop